Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Drum Roll Please...

Finally! Our new website is up and running. We are very excited to share with our clients and consumers our new and very functional website. 

Our office is proud to present Cascade Credit's new website: www.cccibend.com
Our goal was to create an informative and interactive website that both clients and consumers alike could access. Clients can login to check the status of their accounts with Client Access Web; and consumers can now login to see what accounts are owing through our newest collection tool, Pay Stream.

Pay Stream is our latest addition to the many products and services we already offer our clients. Now with Pay Stream, consumers can securely login anytime, anywhere to view and pay their accounts. Even when our office is closed, we are still collecting on our client's accounts!

All information available online through our website is secure and all users are required to validate authorization before given access to the data. All functionality, whether on the client or consumer side,  is delivered through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) using 128-bit encryption. All data, received, viewed or transferred is secure.

Please visit our website and let us know what you think!